Shawn M. Verdoni

I Am an Author

Shawn M. Verdoni is the author of Canoodling Up North, Canoodling Out West, and Canoodling Always & Forever. She attended UW Whitewater for her degree in secondary education and graduated in May 2021 from the Milwaukee School of Engineering with her Master’s in Business Administration.

Her best days are spent with her husband, two children, and two dogs just hanging out. She loves living in Wisconsin, especially in fall when you can find her in a pumpkin patch or an apple orchard collecting tart baking apples for her famous crumble crust apple pie.

If you'd like to book Shawn to discuss her books with your audience, you can start the discussion here.

Shawn Verdoni

Purchase the Books

Watch the Trailer for Canoodling Up North - Book #1

Watch the Trailer for Canoodling Out West - Book #2

Shawn's Blog

Canoodling Always & Forever


January 28, 20241 min read

“I was ambushed. You have written a hell of a story with some deft plot twists that you've knitted together aptly .” - Rod Vick, best selling author of The Book of Invasions


Not all readers provide feedback via book reviews on Amazon or via Goodreads. So, I've put together a blog post with those I've received via text message, email, personal meeting, voice mail, carrier pigeon, short hand, and telegraph.

With that said, here are some of the most recent testimonials

1. Dan--Canoodling Out West


Making Mental Health Relatable

2. Alli Chase, Library Director, Alice Baker Library


3. Kris-Canoodling Always & Forever


4. Judy-Rochester, NY


5. Judy--Rochester, NY


6. Editor of Canoodling Always & Forever


blog author image

Shawn M. Verdoni

Shawn M. Verdoni, author of The Canoodling Series

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